Welcome to the world of html4 the latest std for creation of internet pages.In this page describe the hypertext markup language(HTML) with a brief history & examines how html fits into the World Wide Web.
HTML is a modern markup language that uses common abbrevation called "tags" to advise a web browser how the author would like to havethe web page displayed. It was devised in the late 1980s by a british scientist named Tom-Berners-Lee while he was working at the particle physics laboratory, in Cern,Switzerland. Amajor development in html came in 1993 when a college student named Marc Andersen added an image tag so that HTMl could display image in addition to the text. This version is then included in the Mosaic web browser from the National centre for supercomputing application(NCSA) and became a very successful
What is new in HTMAL4?:
The features in the earlier standard of HTML 3.2 have be updated in HTML4 to provide more flexibility for current & future development of the internet. HTML4 separates the presentatrional markup language tag from the actuyal content with introduction of cascading style sheet (CSS) that are used to control how content appears.
*All tags are still contained between the "<" &">" angle brackets but many of the earlier tags have become absolute.
*The old "
*HTML4 hs been designmed to Make web page more accessible to those with physical limitation