The really special component of HTML is the hypertext link, that allow the user to navigate around the internet.
In order for this to be possible the internet must use established standards for all computers which are connected to the world wide web.
The web comprises a series of large computers , reffered to as "server", that are connected via telephone or computers.
The web uses a common communication standard called hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to alllow internet communication between all computers and web servers.This always used as first part of web page address,expressed as "http://". A web addressis combination of protocol name,domain name & file name
HTML files are merely text files that have been saved with file extension of either "htm" or "html" so a typical index web page have could have a file name of "index.html".
If this page is uploaded to a web server thart has a domain name "www.webserver" then the page would be accessible across the web using the web page address of http://www.webserver/index.html usually uploaded file are placed in a folder on the server so its webpage address would include the folder name
http:// www.webserver/subfolder index.html
Absolute and Relative address:
The full address of web page using the protocol, domain & file name is called the absolute adress. HTML code in the "index.htm"file can also address any file within the "webpage" folder just using their file name.It is called "relative" address.
Fragment Address:
Navigating to either an absolute or relative address will normally open that document at the start of the page. It is possible however to add navigation points to the HTML code inside a web page.This navigation to specific points in that page. This navigation point are called "anchors". In the example the file named index.html has fragment anchors at the start, middle & end of the document. This anchors are called "top", "middle" & "bottom" .These added anchor names are referred to as " fragment identifiers" & must be preceded by a "#" character.
Eg: http://www.webserver/webpages/next.html#middle.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
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